Archive for September, 2014

The Skateboard Number

September 30, 2014

Hi Ya’ll. I turn 43 tomorrow. I first heard that the number 43 was the skateboard number when I was in my late teens/early 20’s. It was either from my girlfriend at the time, or one of the Team Effigy and friends. Krishna? Chris Duthey? Mike Taylor?? Not sure who first clued me in, but I found out that 43 IS the skateboard number. Basically, what I was told, is that as a skateboarder, you tend to notice the number 43 quite often. Nowadays, it really is everywhere. There’s a trick called a 43 (maybe that’s where it started?). DC Shoes has 43 everything I believe. And other companies have used it as well.

Now, whether it’s because I’m turning 43, or just a random coincidence, I’ve been seeing the number 43 a TON lately. I mean, Darren Sproles is number 43, and he’s been lighting it up lately! Anyway…. the whole point is that I’m a skateboarder, I’m turning 43, and I’m just really stoked that I was taught, and learned, this ever so creative disipline that is skateboarding. Can’t wait to tear some shit up this year. Skate and Destroy. Listen to McRad. Peace. One Love. Goodnight and have a great day tomorrow. Love ya much. E.

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